
June Fishing Report

June gave us a lot of familiar faces, along with some new ones too! So many incredible trips, even with a different fishing pattern for this time of year. Normally we’re chasing redfish with popping corks every day in June. The extreme heat, overabundant submerged grass in the marsh, and every crabber in Louisiana running their boats all over the marsh, all day long, has made targeting reds quite a chore. Thankfully though, speckled trout action is pulling us through. The specks we’re catching are worth bragging over too. Live shrimp and artificial baits are doing the catching. Toward the end of June, the sheepshead and black drum FINALLY showed up in Lake Pontchartrain along with an extra early arrival of white shrimp. So, things are somewhat out of whack for the Lake Pontchartrain and Lake Borgne areas, but in a great way. Fishing is tough to beat right now. The only thing working against us filling the cooler lately has been the heat or typical summer storms. July is going to be fun, and very productive. Looking forward to more new faces.

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