
October Fishing Report

October has been an easy month. All signs point to incredible fishing in November, December, and possibly January. We’ve had so many fish hit the cleaning tables this October. Many groups have already booked trips for next October. We’ve been fishing mostly for speckled trout and catching plenty of redfish, bay snapper, black drum, and blue cats along with good numbers of trout. Typically we are using live shrimp on a drop shot, fishing deep bayous and canals. Some days when the wind is calm we are fishing oil rigs in Lake Borgne with chartreuse sparkle beetles on a drop shot. As the cold fronts start to come through, the fish will pile up in the bayous and canals, making things easier. Once the shrimp leave the lake, the trout may stage on the bridges in Lake Pontchartrain, offering another area to target. I can tell you that the bay snapper are thick at the bridges right now. I have a few different groups that come down from up north, just to target bay snapper. They are such a fun fish to catch, as they fight hard, pull drag, and when it turns into every cast, the fish box fills up fast. There are still some dates available in December, and the fishing should be great at that time. I recommend getting on the books now as the calendar will fill up as we get closer to the end of the year.

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