Despite the extreme temperatures we endured most of the month, August gave us many great Redfish trips. For most of our trips, we threw artificial baits such as spoons and spinnerbaits, and limits were easy to come by. Toward the end of the month, the lakes finally cleaned up from the weather we had in May and June. With the clean water, we were able to see lots of speckled trout. Since Ida has passed, redfish limits are still common. The lakes are once again dirty from the storm, but the bayous and ponds in the marsh remain clean and loaded with baitfish. The lakes should clear up in a week or so. The middle of September is when I like to begin targeting trout. September is when we’ll start seeing a falling tide during the day and this tidal pattern will continue through winter. The falling tide will pull shrimp out of the marsh and the trout will position themselves at the mouths of bayous and passes ready to fatten up for the winter. This makes targeting them easier. Trips now will find us targeting redfish early while the tide is still rising. Once it flips and begins falling, we’ll move to the open bays and work the mouth of each bayou with popping corks and swim baits 2’ underneath. This routine will hold until mid to late October when the bigger trout arrive in Lake Pontchartrain and the Intercoastal Waterway. Looking to go Charter fishing this month? Give us a call today and reserve your trip!