
July Fishing Report

This has been an unusual July. Record rain amounts this summer have made fishing interesting for us. Every day we’re working against the clock to put fish in the boat before the storms build. Most days we’re catching limits of redfish, but some days the storms send us racing back to the dock a few fish shy of a limit. Early in the month gold spoons and spinnerbaits were productive for reds, but lately, shrimp underneath a popping cork has been necessary. A random bay snapper and flounder have been showing up in the cooler. Speckled trout are further out now. With the threat of inclement weather late in the morning, it is suggested to work on putting reds in the boat as opposed to losing time running to the outside for trout. Lake Pontchartrain is still a muddy mess from the rain, and our usual summer run on black drum, bay snapper, and redfish in the lake is still a no-go. All of our trips have been to the Biloxi Marsh where there is plenty of clean water, beautiful scenery, and redfish of all sizes.

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