basket full of trout caught in New Orleans

New Orleans Fishing Report January

Plenty of Speckled Trout was caught in January. Seems the wind has not cooperated much for us this month as well as the weather. The last part of January and the first half of February look good though, with warmer weather coming. The other day Jon and Jenny from Kansas came aboard and fished through some chilly conditions. The water temperature was 41 degrees. We started out working the deeper holes in the marsh. The problem wasn’t finding fish, it was finding fish that were in the mood to eat. Every spot produced a few bites, but the fish wouldn’t commit to eating all the bait. When the temp rose to 43 and the sun poked out, we relocated to the flats. Finally, they started pulling a few Redfish in. A few days later, the temps warmed up considerably and Preston and friend Steven caught 68 speckled trout. February is usually the same routine; warm weather for a few days and the fish will turn on, but the temperature will drop again with a cold front and slow things down. Spring dates are filling up daily and I’m looking forward to seeing the cleaning table full of Redfish again.

Captain Drake Morvant

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